I think it's fairly clear what Miriam Cates is and it's a four-letter word.

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No blame divorce hasn’t made getting divorced easier. It has made getting divorced amicably easier which is much better for all involved, especially children. You still have to have a period of separation, you still have to go through all of the other hoops. I was probably one of the first people to go through no blame divorce and while it was an improvement on the two year mandatory separation before you could apply under the previous system (if you didn’t have grounds against your former spouse) it was by no means a quick and easy way to get divorced. I think Miriam hasn’t looked into this properly and is potentially spreading misinformation, again.

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I'm very pleased the Tribune has picked up on the ending of the Selective Licencing scheme in the London Road /Abbeydale Road area. I watched the Housing Cte and was puzzled why it was stopping when it was so successful and so much needed

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As the author of two online pieces about the Mi Amigo memorial in Endcliffe Park I am grateful for Tribune's tangential links to them. But you are wrong to repeat the claim of his "decades long" dedication to it. He has not. What you should be exploring is why the local media refuses to unmask him as a fantasist and a fraud. Is it because they are afraid of upsetting Dan Walker who discovered him? Or just sheer laziness? https://wp.me/p5wFIX-19H

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The comment that “living in an extremely cold home increases you risk of death by a fifth” really doesn’t mean anything! The “risk” of death is 100% for all of us. You need to give a time-frame, e.g., in any one calendar year, or between the months of November and February, for instance. (I had a look at the paper you referred to, but began sliding into a torpor, as it is almost 70 pages long….. zzzzz)

It still doesn’t mean a great deal unless you describe the relative risk. For example, if the death rate over the winter is (say) 10% of those between 70 and 80 living in warm housing, then an increase of a fifth means that 12% die because they live in cold housing.

I made those numbers up, by the way. If the death rate in the example given was 30% in warm homes, then cold home dwellers would have a 36% risk of death over the same time period. This doesn’t sound anything like as bad as an “increase of a fifth”. However, for the individuals living in cold homes, life is bloody miserable, and it’s a national shame that the government (many of whom are extremely wealthy) think it’s ok for this situation to continue.

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A quick bit of research shows that 115 MPs are landlords, and that 90 of these are Conservatives. This probably explains why there has been so much foot-dragging regarding restrictions on landlords’ behaviour.

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30

A true story told by my dad from his days as an evacuee that I included in his eulogy when he passed away in 2016. Dad and brother George aged 11 and 12 were evacuated from Sheffield 1939/40 to Selston a mining village in Notts. One day they heard a small plane come to land in a field close to where they lived. When they got to the plane the Polish pilot got out and asked them where he was. He was trying to return from a mission to his base, RAF Cranwell in Lincolnshire. He looked on a map and calculated which direction to head from Selston then asked Dad and Uncle George to help him turn the plane around. He then gave them a wave and set off for Cranwell some 40 miles away.

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I see the Star have featured their report on the Stocksbridge regeneration controversy first raised as far as I am aware in the Tribune.As for the Endcliffe Park Memorial veteran former Star journalist Martin Dawes formed a view a few years ago.

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The original bomber crash memorial story: Tony looked after the memorial, literally man and boy, ever since the crash, was obviously nonsense. I'm sure the memorial wasn't built for some years.

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