Mar 18, 2023Liked by Dan Hayes

As a Yorkshirewoman I hate to jump to Lancashire's defence, but Lancaster is the county town of Lancashire - definitely not Cumbrian.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023Author

Aaaggghhhhrrrr!!!! I can’t quality believe that I’ve done that, especially considering I am from Lancashire myself! Thanks for pointing out. Have now changed.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Dan Hayes

It’s fine! As an ex-Cumbrian I can reassure you that you’re jumping to Cumbrias defence

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I am really upset, as a Lancastrian, that your are reporting Lancaster as being in Cumbria. It’s only the capital of Lancashire like York is for Yorkshire

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Really sorry Margaret. I too am from Lancashire so I have no idea why I’ve made that mistake. I can only put it down to me having a complete brain freeze on Friday. I have changed it on the online article and I’ll try to be more careful in future. Sorry again 🙏


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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023Liked by Dan Hayes

I love this article ( and bought an album!).

It would be great to see these bands live in the city, but I couldn’t see any links to gigs except Mr Ben and the Bens- in Halifax.. I will follow…

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Thanks Caroline! I could be wrong but I have a feeling Mr Ben & the Bens might be a bit too big to now play the venues mentioned in the piece and would probably need a more established (and bigger) venue. I'll check if they have any Sheffield shows lined up and report back!

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OK. Thanks Dan. I read a lot of your articles and was very surprised by this, but thanks for putting it right 😀

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It's exciting to hear of so much energy and creativity - although it makes me feel even older than usual. I'll now be able to drop some Sheffield music scene names with the best of 'em. Oh, and Lancaster didn't seem very sleepy to me when I was a student at Lancaster University in the early 1970s. Thanks to our amazing Social Secretary, Barry Lucas, Lancaster University was, from 1970-1985, one of the great centres for live rock music. There's a book about it: 'When Rock Went to College'.

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there next gig is in Halifax…

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