Oct 22, 2022Liked by Dan Hayes

Thanks for this article. I think Abtisam Mohamed would be the best but I am biased as I know her and she has proved herself to be committed to the people of Sheffield and a hard and efficient worker in her role as Councillor for Firth Park

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Thanks Teresa! She certainly has lots of support and most people I spoke to felt she was the frontrunner. We shall see!

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Dan Hayes

Great article. Very balanced and insightful as always.

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Thanks Eileen 🙏 Glad you liked it.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Dan Hayes

Women's rights depend upon an acknowledgment of biological reality. A woman is an adult human female. Eddie Izzard is welcome to his own strange path, but he is no friend to women.

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Thanks for your comment Liz. I didn’t want to go too much into that conversation in this piece as I wanted it to be more about the politics. We’ll have more about that issue next week when we look at the Green selection.

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looking forward to the next article touching on this subject - it's a minefield - good luck !

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Dan Hayes

Fascinating and well written as always.

I’d disagree that Izzards pronouns and identity hasn’t been a big talking point tho. Twitter has been full of it, photos taken of her using the womens toilet at an event in Crookes and various opinion pieces being written about it.

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Thanks Fiona. Yes, there has of course been lots written about it. I meant it wasn’t a big issue in terms of the selection, which is open (meaning candidates’ biological sex — or gender identity — hasn’t come into it).

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Dan Hayes

There is a continuing claim she’s on an all female shortlist too, despite the mix of men and women putting themselves forward. Not that facts ever get in the way of a good internet rant on Twitter tho right?

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Yeah, hopefully the Guardian article and ours will go some way to dispel that. But, like you say, some people will just believe what they want to believe.

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

good to dispel the myths - as it takes people down a blind alley of debate and misses the issue that should be discussed !

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A very insightful piece of journalism and well researched.Interesting that hardly any mention is made of Maz Iqbal.Paul Blomfield has been a very industrious local MP and will be a hard act to follow.

Agree with Liz Ryan regarding 'biological reality' - Eddie Izzard is a hard working charity fundraiser -in biological terms he is a man- as to whether 'he is no friend to women'-that's not up to me to pronounce upon .

Politics locally needs to avoid scenarios like the O'Mara episode and in the case of Sheffield Central Paul Blomfield's legacy should ensure that.

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Thanks Ron. Most people I spoke to felt Mazher hadn’t put himself forward soon enough (Abtisam and Mike have been working behind the scenes for some time). I didn’t want to get too much into the trans debate in this piece as I felt it should be more about the politics. In terms of Jared O’Mara, I still don’t know how he was ever selected in Hallam. I’d be amazed if Labour made the same mistake again.

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

Great article Dan. I love the more in depth journalism of The Tribune.

I just wanted to say that I don’t think Sheffield Central constituency is safe Labour. The population of the constituency has increased sigifiicantly since 2010 mainly through people moving into the City Ward.

I've done the analysis myself because I was interested. I live in the city centre. I've looked at the central constituency wards for the 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022 local elections for the four main parties. I've calculated the figures based on the current constituency boundary and the new constituency boundary (which would exclude Manor Castle and Ecclesall) for all four local elections. The new boundary will be in place at the next General Election.

The pattern shows The Green Party consistently making ground on Labour in terms of vote share. And I know people do not always vote the same way in local elections as they do in general elections, but the Sheffield Green Party are more established now than they were in 2019. Through their campaigning they have changed the structure of Sheffield City Council (from cabinet to committee system) and have got their public enquiry into the tree felling. Some of the Labour candidates standing for MP were Sheffield City Councillors at the time of the tree felling scandal. Alison Teal has the Green Party nomination for Sheffield Central. And she was a prominant anti-felling campaigner and SCC councillor. What will happen if the public enquiry is damning?

Based on the May 2022 local elections:

Old Central Constituency Wards (Walkley, Nether Edge, Broomhill/Sharrow/City, Ecclesall, Manor Castle)

Labour 12495 - 41.35% vote

Green 11713 - 38.76% vote

When you remove Ecclesall and Manor Castle (the new Constituency boundary), the Greens are 0.9% ahead of Labour

Labour 8619 - 28.52% vote

Green 8886 - 29.41% vote

The Greens lost ground a little bit in 2022 compared to the 2021 elections where they had the bigger percentage vote in both the old and new constituency boundaries. It looks like that was mainly down to Alison Teal stepping down as a local councillor. She did have a big personal vote because of the tree campaign.

I therefore think it is misleading to assume that Sheffield Central is safe Labour. As someone who is interested in local politics, I feel like Labour has given up. In the May local elections I did not see one Labour poster or leaflet in the City Ward (where we have 3 Green councillors). No one outside the polling stations on election day either.

I can't be the only one who has looked at the figures, there must be some part of the Labour Party machine more eminently qualified than me. I think whoever gets the Labour nomination for Sheffield Central will have their work cut out against the Green Party's Alison Teal.

I'd be interested to know if anyone here has looked at the figures.

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Yes I was surprised there was no mention of the new boundaries making this much less of a safe Labour seat. A year or so ago I expected this to be a target seat for the national Green Party because the new boundary area is a mainly Green-voting area in local elections.

At the moment I'm sure a resurgent Labour will be safe from the Greens despite the changed boundaries but if things change again in a couple of years' time then I assume the Greens will put up a close challenge.

What will make things nasty, and I'm glad this article didn't get waylaid by this possibility, is if it becomes Alison Teal of the Greens vs Eddie Izzard. That will attract national attention for all the wrong reasons with every professional muckraker stirring up faux outrage.

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

Yes I agree John. My other thought was that if Magid Magid had stood as the Green candidate, Sheffield Central would have been a foregone conclusion. But I noticed he is endorsing Labour's Abdi Suleiman on this occassion.

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Yep totally agree. Magid’s name always gets autocorrected to Magic on my phone and for once I think autocorrect got it right. Through my conversations about politics with peers he is generally the person people get behind whereas both the choices of the Greens and Labour in candidates has provoked much more heated exchanges.

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Great story Dan - and one that has sparked a stimulating conversation from readers. Whilst reading, I was wondering whether, given recent form, LP Head Office would allow Paul Mason onto the long list anyyway? Or maybe he has been doing some assiduous preparartion work? I agree with everyone else that Sheffield Central will - and should have - a l.ocal candidate.

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This article helped me so much thankyou! Was getting so wound up by the Eddie Izzard bandwagon, relieved to find there are Sheffield Candidates that live here standing for election. It's important to me that MP's hv a local knowledge of issues, understand the history of our political landscape etc. Learned from the comments here that Magid is endorsing a Labour candidate & not the Green Party that supported him, food for thought?!

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There are some really good local candidates with great connections to sheffield and their constituents - i hope they are the ones selected. Abtisam Mohamed or Abdi Suleiman

Paul Mason and Eddie Izzard appear to have different national agendas, which sheffield central (for which I'm a constituent) would do well to avoid.

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