Jan 20·edited Jan 20

Thanks for the article highlighting the housing issues etc in Gleadless Valley. It's thoroughly depressing. I just wanted to mention the work that a group of Sheffield Litter Pickers have been doing in the Gleadless Valley clearing Rollerstone Woods, the Meers Brook and all of its tributaries. In early January 2024 they posted that they had finished as they had got to the top of Lumb Brook. It has taken them 6 years of sustained effort. A phenomenal achievement and truly inspirational group of people working in one of the most challenging areas of the city.

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Well done them!

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Blaming inflation is an easy and convenient cop out for the council and councillors. But it’s worth noting the inflationary pressures Dimond quotes all happened several years after the approval of the Masterplan - and we’ve all seen council tax rises in response to inflation.

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I think the dearth of comments on this article, or at least the lack of contributions from those with some informed insight on S14 says more about the Tribune demographic than the article itself. Thanks Dan for venturing into the Valley. Lived all my 60 years in S13/12 with 2 family members in S14. No amount of investment in going to change the status quo, make the disadvantaged of Gleadless Valley any less likely to escape poverty, and no politician including those in power in the so-called Labour Party, are going to do anything drastic to redress the enormous divide between those who have and those who do not. It's a worthy piece but only briefly alludes to the truth of the matter.

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Mr. West, I don't think the demographics of Tribune readers is the fault of Tribune readers. Dan's doing all he can to spread the word, including giving his blessing to sharing. Bearing in mind your range of kith and kin, I would hope that the publication is all round S12, S13, and S14 as I type.

You've been eloquent about what won't work: now please give us your ideas on what *would* work, starting with specific ideas on what we can do right now in current conditions to redress injustices. As you can see, I'd like to see a class action lawsuit concerning the damp, which would raise the quality of life for many people. Your suggestions, please?

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No criticism of the Tribune readership intended or implied. Dan's piece reflected the resignation and inevitable apathy of the residents who know they don't have a voice. I am not the first to mention a Tribune 'bubble' but no criticism is meant. Merely an observation that could be applied to any national daily readership. As for ideas this is not the forum to debate ideology.

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Well: I think it is. I'd like to know where you're coming from. If you're talking about a socialist revolution, you're out of luck. Irrespective of what I think about that, the British people have made it clear that they don't want one, just as Engels predicted. In these circumstances, we must think about what we can do with what we've got. Make no mistake here, Adam: I know whereof I speak. In the early 1970s, I hung out with plenty of revolutionary groups, so I know the score.

And I can't see why you mentioned the demographics of the Tribune readership, unless your purpose was to incite middle-class guilt, a well-worn tactic for silencing legitimate comment and criticism. I say this with the utmost respect, but kindly "put up or shut up," as the saying goes.

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Brilliant! You have perfectly summed up my 60 year political journey. Thankyou.

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Thank you, Peter!

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Surprise, Surprise, another instance of SCC sitting on money for a project for so long that it's value erodes and project costs go through the roof. Of course it's going to cost more to carry out eorks than it would have done 6 or 7 years ago. Isn't everyone getting tired of this familiar refrain? If someone gave me £25k to buy a car, I wouldn't wait 2 years never mind 6!

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Great article, Dan. Filled in a lot of gaps in my knowledge. Two things:-

1 Damp. The latent heat of evaporation is immense. If you have to start your day getting damp walls dried out, you'll be paying out a lot of money for fuel to keep the ambient temperature the same as it was, only in vapour not liquid form. Talk to the Law Centre, if we still have one.

2. Without wishing to disparage the sufferings of the residents of Gleadless Valley, I think it's fair to say that a lot of the country has become completely sclerotic. One of the diarists in The Times recently remarked on how pleasantly surprised she was when she got a passport promptly. Then she wrote about how things have come to a pretty pass when what should be ordinary efficacy is now noteworthy. Yep: how many of us feel that we can't get *anything* done?

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What happened to the decent housing money from back in the 0's. Didn't the valley have any of that money!!!!

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