Thank you for this dose of realism. Makes me even angrier and more ashamed about how this country works

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Thanks Judy. But amid the gloom we need to concentrate on the people who are doing great things — like Helen Eason at The Link.

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Yes that's right. People like Helen are gold dust in the gloom and set examples to us all about how to be communities in the face of it all.

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Dan Hayes

Really important issue to highlight

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Thanks Teresa 🙏

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Dan Hayes

Great reporting, lots of important insights. Glad Sheffield is funding these flats.

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Thanks mate 🙏

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Great article but this is just really sad. I don't know what the solution is but I think it probably starts with more people knowing and caring about this problem, so thanks for writing about it.

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Nice article as usual, but 'little old ladies' is ageist. I assume you mean 'diminished in some way. Why? And a PS. You live centrally in Park Hill. Why do you drive everywhere? Taking the bus and walking gives you a better sense of city. life.

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deletedOct 16, 2022Liked by Dan Hayes
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Thanks for your comment Bruce 🙏 My mum worked in libraries for many years so I know how important they are beyond just books. Losing as many as we have over the last 12 years is nothing short of cultural vandalism.

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