As an ally I photographed the first Pride (heavens, can’t believe it was so long ago!!), and I also attended and witnessed the homophobic attack in 2016 referred to your article (and totally agree that the police handled it very poorly).

I miss Pride, and although I have attended the Pinknic, I do also feel that it’s a shame the Radical Pride group seem to feel the need to be so aggressive towards non-queers. I’ve always felt very welcome at queer events, but at a recent event attended with gay/queer family I realised I was made to feel a little unwelcome by some - this made me feel really sad.

Sheffield is definitely missing out not having a large Pride event (including a parade); hopefully someone will step forward to organise - I know the city will be much better for it.

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To be fair to Radical Pride (and admittedly just based off the interview with Charlie) I don't think they'd describe themselves as opposed to non-queers at all, provided they were allies to the cause. Was it a Radical Pride event you attended? They've only had one so far, in March of this year.

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