The predestination of Broomhill and Division St along with Pinstone St is detrimental to blue badge owners and elderly. For 7 years I and 10 others worked with SYHA to look at loneliness and isolation in over 50s. The outcome was the WHO age Friendly City's project. This was handed over to council to implement. So the 3 Street schemes above go against all that the WHO (World Health Organisation) advocates. In AGE FRIENDLY CITY'S

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I'm sorry David but I totally disagree. There are ways to pedestrianise areas and build in access for disabled and elderly people. In fact every scheme has to go through an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) to make sure it is not discriminatory. It seems to me that you are saying that because disabled and elderly people need access, we should therefore give away our entire city to motor traffic. Which is obviously absurd. Does the same apply at Meadowhall? What if a disabled person wants to get to one specific shop in the middle of Meadowhall. Can they drive there? No, obviously not.

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I'm not advocating to open up all roads. But in the articles I've read about the Broomhill scheme, there's no talk of any disability spaces. The council says the footfall in the Fargate area is down maybe because people have to walk from Arundel Gate past the library and along Surrey St and if you are elderly or disabled in any way makes town nogo area. Not all buses go up High St.

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Tribune writes: "It’s time we started thinking about rolling similar [flood defence] schemes out across the city". I went to Pollen Market yesterday (on a Trib recommendation) and got talking to a nice man from Moors for the Future who was talking about the ecological restoration they are doing on the top of moors, stopping peat erosion and rain runoff (e.g. by planting and damming in gulleys). Some of that moorland rain ends up in the city rivers, so actions *outside* the city can also play a part in city flood defence.

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That’s “Natural Flood Management”. Not exactly a new concept but because it’s effects and benefits are hard to predict it tends to take a while to develop and implement (at least in my limited experience). Sheffield Wildlife Trust have just completed a demonstrator on the Limb Brook with a series of scrapes and swales in Whirlow playing fields. I believe the Environment Agency and Sheffield City Council are also exploring upland options for slowing run off as part of the lower Don flood defence scheme. I’m sure there will be plenty more to read on this I’m the future.

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The car-free Division St looks great! It often depresses me how much cars have taken over our city, obstructing pavements everywhere taking over as much of our space as selfish drivers can get away with! There's always a whine from that quarter when these attractive schemes are announced, good on the Council team for showing leadership! More please!

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You definitely are abnormal if you're willing to pay out upwards of a tenner to listen to a talk on kinks and fetishes in the context of the psychology of sex. I thought we'd got all that sorted in the 1960s. And we did very well without all the apparatus you seem to have to buy today. What really shocked me about "50 Shades of Grey" was the way in which Capitalism had got into the act. We didn't need all that expensive stuff - we used our imaginations 😡

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