Apr 8Liked by Dan Hayes

Please remind people they need photo ID to vote. Passport, driving licence and pensioner's bus pass, etc. Some people, especially younger voters, may not have these and gave to apply for voter ID.

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Good point Ros. Sorry, forgot that. I'll try to do so in the next few weeks.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8Liked by Dan Hayes

I'm extremely disappointed to read this; "Can Labour finally put the tree saga behind it and take back control of a council they should be winning easily, or will it be another year where the Lib Dems and Greens frustrate their ambitions?"

I have enjoyed your journalsim but will cancel my subscription if you are party political. The question clearly reads as supporting Labour. It implies that other parties are in some way holding them back. It is only since we have had no overall control and a committee system that things have been improving.

The article goes on to soley focus on Labour. No mention of the other party's ambitions, or agendas. It is clear that Labour are already campaiging for the general election by only doing so in wards within constituencies they want to win at the General Election. They clearly have no plan to regain control this year.

A very poorly written and biased piece. I trust that you will issue a correction/apology.

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Sorry but it’s not party political at all. Just look at the results Labour gets in other major cities (Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Birmingham). Sheffield is a clear outlier and the reason for that is the damage to their brand done by the tree saga (which as you will know we have covered extensively). I don’t see how any of this is controversial in any way. Labour should be doing far better than it is in Sheffield seems to me to be a statement of the obvious.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8Liked by Dan Hayes

But it is not a guide to the local elections. It is an ill-informed piece drawing incorrect conclusions about Labour's prospects! It also gives positive exposure to Labour at the expense of the other parties.

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Apr 8Liked by Dan Hayes

I partly agree & I'm a Labour Party member. A more expansive piece would of included an exploration of what the Lib Dems, Greens and even TUSC had as visions for the city. I'm not sure a "correction/apology" is in order - it is just that it could have been far more explorative of the competing 'offers' given that this is long-form journalism. However you do also set out your own perspective on what Labour's strategy is - only campaigning in constituencies in S Yorkshire 'they want to win' - that will be all of them, & that they clearly have 'no plan to regain control this year' - a thought you provide not a scintilla of evidence for - but maybe you have some special insight of. I'm sure Dan would only make such an assertion as a journalist if he could provide a credible source for it. Any how a few more weeks before the X hits the ballot paper so plenty of scope to flesh out this electoral cycle.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8Author

Thanks Carl but it’s not meant to be long form journalism. It’s a briefing outlining what the different parties will be hoping for this year. Labour got rid of Terry last year because the party was underperforming in Sheffield. That’s also why it’s in so-called “special measures”. New leader Tom Hunt will be judged on how much he can change the narrative of decline to one of winning back seats again. If you were to add the Sheffield Community Councillors to Labour’s total you are on 39 I think. Which means they only need to win another 4 to take back control. Eminently possible I would think. And yes, we will be doing a full piece about the election later in April.

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It’s a preview of the local elections and trying to prepare people for what might happen on the night. Labour will be hoping to take back control of the council and the other parties will be hoping to stop them. This is politics. The idea that The Tribune backs Labour at the expense of other parties is absurd. When we covered the LTNs last year I seem to remember many Greens thanking us for the way we covered it. What about it is incorrect?

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The problem here imho, is that the article is headed as a guide to local elections.

And it's clearly not.

It's just badly headlined is the thing.

The piece correctly identifies the issues Labour have in overcoming the tree stuff to regain the council, and thats a big issue.

As is the shoo in that is Coppard.

Nowt biased in this article, just a description of what's at stake for the LP.

The only thing I properly object to is the author referring to Cllr Fox as 'Terry'.

We look forward to a proper Tribune guide to local elections shortly...

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This is a real stretch and I have to imagine it’s a comment made in bad faith. Unless you’re actively trying to misinterpret the article, it correctly noting that Labour’s performance lags behind other urban areas of the UK doesn’t imply support for their platform at all. The request for an apology is the cherry on an extremely pompous cake!

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It's just true that Labour should be winning easily, given national polling. Saying that doesn't imply support for Labour. It's also true that Manchester City should beat Sheffield United easily, given their respective positions in the league table. Saying that doesn't imply support for Manchester City either.

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It's not quite accurate to say that Oliver Coppard has been "given" the role of Police and Crime Commissioner. Rather, the roles of Mayor and PCC have been merged, as is the case in London and Greater Manchester. This will take effect from after the elections in May, which will therefore be when Alan Billings steps down as PCC. Alan was first elected to this role in a by-election in 2014. He inherited a very challenging situation, including the continued fallout from the Hillsborough tragedy (the second inquest returned the unlawful killing verdict in 2016) as well as the child sex exploitation scandal in Rotherham. He has been an exemplary PCC and deserves our thanks as he retires.

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I'm not sure Labour will make gains in Sheffield council, the status quo keeps everyone in their toes and keeps Labour honest after years of decline. I wouldn't be surprised if they get a bit of a kicking over Gaza and various other backsliding the national Labour party has made on policy.

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Dan I hope some of your super critical critics here have not put back your recovery - get well soon - and no I did not detect bias here. Look forward to the longer piece nearer election day.

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