May 23, 2021Liked by The Tribune

Good luck with your venture. I am a paying subscriber to The Mill. I am from Oldham and watched with sadness the demise of the Oldham Evening Chronicle which used To be delivered to my parents every day. I remember the classified ads, jobs page on a Thursday, Births Marriages & Deaths and Spot the Ball. My Dad did the crossword daily and we used to read and discuss the letters to the editor. The Chron was at the heart of Oldham. The MEN is now a pathetic shadow of itself and I admitted defeat & unfollowed on Social Media. My husband is from Rotherham & we used to look at The Star to keep up with Sheffield United. But it’s now unreadable. I resent having to give my email to read an article that isn’t even about the headline I clicked on. I wish you all the best and have signed up to your mailing list.

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Thanks very much Tracey. We appreciate your support.

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May 23, 2021Liked by The Tribune

Best wishes for this new venture. Looking forward to what happens next.

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May 24, 2021Liked by The Tribune

It’s a breath of fresh air to read this article. It describes everything I dislike about local news at the moment. Look forward to reading some good quality, well researched local news articles!

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May 23, 2021Liked by The Tribune

Thank you for adding me to your mailing list. I have always preferred to support small businesses, so this is my opportunity to support you. Your email reminded me of the things I hate about local news websites. Not least the typos, poor grammar, reiterating the salient points 3 times to effect biased reporting. Give me honest journalism and I will make up my mind what I think. Journalists shouldn’t press their agenda. I recall in the 1980s the furore when The Sun turned politics on its head by changing the party it supported. Those days should be behind us. So I look forward to supporting you and your new venture. The very best of luck.

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May 23, 2021Liked by The Tribune

You have described and explained the things that frustrate me about local newspaper websites - endless popups and embedded ads, fragmented text, stories about nothing. It's good to know the reasons. What I would like to see is items about what the council are thinking about. All I see is the odd random story and lots of criticism from the Lib Dems of the council's latest 'wrong'. Council decisions have reasons (I hope). Political sniping, while possibly justified, is not informative. I never see the Council's reasoning. I'd like to see some balanced information - eg (possibly old news) Did they really invest in a place in Scarborough and if so why? I hope the Tribune succeeds and rewards your courage.

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my days on sheffield newspapers owned by lord thomson of fleet any use to you/?

personally i want the next generation to feel the paper as thery turn the page

thomson transferred me to sunday times which he owned

swinging london 1961 to 1970

i moved to fleet st but print unions so strong daily mail 8 years my name is lynda gay

now in sheffield

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Fantastic initiative. If they still have it, Hallam Uni had a great course on media and journalism that could swell your ranks. Local reporting is precious, not least as a measure to hold councillors to account. There's a compelling case for good voluntary reportage (likely still with a great sub) and if you can build the numbers, low-cost local ads can still be a revenue stream.

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Just wanted to say how pleased I am to find this article. I am sick, sick, SICK to death of trying to read articles which jump all over the page because of the adverts that start to flood in the minute you click like a flood of angry bees.

I wish you the very best of luck in your new venture for 'old' journalism - thank you for your bravery!

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So refreshing to read your introduction as to why The Tribune has come about.

There have been so many changes to how life is conducted now. As a family histororian I noticed in the past that early newspapers were concise and had few adverts, with some big news stories repeated word for word from the original report in several different publications.

The local, quality, reporting was clearly valued.

I wish you luck with The Tribune. There is definately a place for it. I have read lots of complaints about The Star's poor reporting of news and its annoying presentation of stories.

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I stopped reading the local paper for all the reasons you have mentioned. So, VERY good luck with your new venture. Look forward to reading it.

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Local news is woeful. Its click bate at best. No real stories just ‘news’ fished from lival facebook groups. Wheres the investigative journalism holding our council, local governments and large businesses (and universities) to account? Good luck. Please let us know what we can do yo help.

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Sorry, "Silicon" Valley!

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All the best to you, Dan. As I read The Sheffield Star (in hard copy) carefully, and even get letters printed in it, I am highly aware of the need for your new project. I can and will pay for content. Just one problem - I don't think there's any such thing as cybersecurity (and this has been confirmed by some high-flying relatives in Silicin Valley) so I never put my financial deets on the Net. Will you take a cheque? Dealbreaker!

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It was interesting to read your newsletter. I’ll just say, I like the title but if it turns out to be it a right-wing (as I see it) rag, I won’t be with you very long. All media has a leaning one way of the other, but the reasons for setting up the Tribune make me hopeful. Good luck and I look forward to reading.

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Will be interesting to see how you turn out, actual news or another CRT platform.

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